Learn about our Engineering Career Progression Framework at MONY Group
5 May 2022
At MONY Group Engineering we’ve been using a career progression framework for our developer and QA roles for a while. Last year we gave it a refresh and have been keen to share it, so here it is!
What is a career progression framework?
A tool for colleagues to provide structure, clarity and meaningful direction for how they can progress in their careers at your organisation. Used effectively, a career framework can give great support to colleagues with their personal growth and career development as well as increase fairness and consistency and reduce bias with promotions.
Our Moneysupermarket Engineering Career Framework
Download our MONY Group Engineering Career Framework (pdf)
Ours also includes the responsibilities for each role. We believe clarity of accountability is a critical factor in creating a high performing organisation and teams (our Technology Directors Mikey Smith and Rob Bowley recently discussed these topics in a podcast you can listen to here), so it's important everyone is clear on our own expectations and those of our colleagues too.
Since our relaunch last year we’ve received very positive feedback and our rate of internal progression increased significantly.
How can you create your own?
Hopefully ours is useful as an example, however many tech organisations have also published their frameworks on so it’s a great resource for inspiration. Every organisation is different though and it’s important that yours reflects your own context.
What else are we working on?
We’ve been keen to provide similar guidance for teams. What does good look like (WDGLL) in a high performing team? Recently we’ve developed a framework for this and have just started speaking to teams about how they rate themselves against it. It’s still early days, but we’ll be keen to share our experiences soon 😊
Interested in a career with us? Find out more about life at Moneysupermarket Engineering